CBD Lotion

 $15 Upgrade

With this upgrade, we will use CBD lotion instead of our traditional lotion during your massage session. . It is often used for pain and inflammation management because of the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agents. CBD lotion during a massage, can be useful to provide full body coverage in order to maximize it’s various benefits.

Benefits of CBD:

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Eases chronic pain

    • Arthritis

    • Multiple sclerosis

  • Reduces levels of spasticity (muscle contractions)

  • Reduces sleeplessness

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What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and it is the second most prevalent active ingredient of Cannabis. CBD is NOT a psychoactive chemical and will NOT alter a person’s mental state. As with any medication, please consult your medical professional before using.

Will I feel something? AKA will I get “high”?

No, while it is an ingredient in cannabis, it by itself does not cause a “high".